Nov 20, 2013

Roast Busters - A great example of how now even the law enforcement isn't taking rape seriously.

These "men" right here are apart of a group called the "Roast Busters." And what have they gotten famous for? For filming themselves gang raping intoxicated, underage girls. In 2011 a 13 year old girl would be their 3rd victim, she was raped, filmed, and even put on Facebook for thousands of people to see and mock. Shortly after the incident occurred, this young lady goes and reports it to the police, people she thinks she can trust. Instead, after she told her story their only response was;
"Well, what were you wearing?"
They then DISMISSED her case saying there was not enough evidence. 

It was also come to light that one of these "men" is the son of a police officer. 4 victims total have come forth saying they were raped by these cowards and absolutely nothing was done. It is sad and completely unacceptable how corrupt the justice system is when it comes to defending young girls and women against sexual assault. 

The question that is COMPLETELY and UNDOUBTEDLY irrelevant is asking a women what she was wearing. I cannot stress this enough! What we wear, what we choose to dress in, IS NOT GIVING CONSENT. When people hear of rape cases they assume the clothes they were wearing was the reason. 
No. And this needs to stop. Victim blaming and "slut shaming" is NOT OKAY. A women could be walking down town completely naked, and she is still not giving consent to be touched. 

I am disgusted with how society treats rape victims. It is not a women's fault. It is never a women's fault. If she is drunk, it is not her fault. She should be able to have good time without fearing for her life. If she is dressed in a bra and underwear, it is not her fault. If she is showing cleavage, it is not her fault. Society stresses too much on ways that women can defend themselves against rape, rather than teaching young men NOT TO RAPE. 

Justice needs to be served, not only to these 4 victims but to every young girl, and women who have reported cases of being raped and nothing was done because she was the one to blame. I'm tired of hearing "boys will be boys," "it's just their hormones, they can't control them, they are not to blame." "well she was drunk," "well she was in a really short skirt," 
NO. It needs to end. 

Stop the victim blaming. Blame the cowards who couldn't respectfully take NO for answer like a real man should. 


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. These bastards are just trying to find some kind of excuse to blame these victims, the way these poor girls dress should never be brought upon in a case. Hopefully justice will be served.

  2. Wow. So must for a "justice system". This is completely pathetic. If they were real men they would respect women and hold a higher standard for themselves to not rape a woman! .. a 13 year old, really?! It frustrates me to hear about this knowing there clearly is some type of evidence. We all know women can choose to dress whatever way they want. Some are more scandalous than others, but when it comes down to it, if she says no then nothing should happen. It's a shame women can be violated so easy and then not taken seriously when they are the victim. Prayers to these young girls!!
